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All You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer



Prostate cancer is one of the most prominent kinds of cancer. Numerous prostate cancers develop slowly and are restricted to the prostate gland, where they are unlikely to cause significant harm. While some varieties of prostate cancer are slow-growing and require little or no therapy, others are aggressive and spread fast. Early detection of prostate cancer, when it is still contained inside the prostate gland, provides the best opportunity for effective treatment.

Understanding Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a tiny gland behind the bladder and surrounds the urethra in a man’s lower abdomen. The hormone testosterone controls the prostate. The prostate gland also generates seminal fluid, commonly called semen. The sperm-containing fluid that escapes the urethra after ejaculation is known as sperm. Prostate cancer occurs when an abnormal, malignant growth of cells, known as a tumour, arises in the prostate. This malignancy has the potential to spread to other parts of the body. As cancer comprises prostate cells in these circumstances, it is termed prostate cancer.

Types of Prostate Cancer

Adenocarcinoma is a form of cancer that arises in the tissue of a gland, such as the prostate gland, and accounts for nearly all occurrences of prostate cancer. Other uncommon cancers that can start in the prostate include:

  1. Small cell carcinoma, which includes lung cancer
  2. Pancreatic cancer and other neuroendocrine tumours
  3. Kidney cancer and other transitional cell carcinomas
  4. Sarcomas, including bone cell cancer

Prostate cancer is also classified according to its rate of progression.

It can develop in two ways:

  1. aggressive or quickly developing
  2. slow-growing or non-aggressive

The tumour develops slowly in non-aggressive prostate cancer. However, with aggressive cancer, the tumour can grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body, including the bones, resulting in metastatic cancer.

Causes And Risks Involved

Prostate cancer has no known cause, although risk factors such as family history or age might raise your chances of acquiring the disease. While any man can get prostate cancer, some variables increase his chances of getting it. These are some of the risks factors:

1. Older age

Your risks of acquiring prostate cancer increase as you get older. After the age of 50, it becomes more prevalent.

2. Family history

When a blood relative, such as a father, sibling, or child, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your risk may be increased. Furthermore, if you have a substantial family history of breast cancer or a gene that raises the risk of breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRCA2), your chances of developing prostate cancer are higher.

3. Ethnicities

For unexplained causes, black men have a greater risk of prostate cancer than other races. Black males are also more likely to have aggressive or advanced prostate cancer.

4. Obesity

While studies have revealed contradictory findings, obese people may have a higher risk of prostate cancer than people who are considered to be of normal weight. Obese people are more prone to get aggressive cancer that returns after treatment.

5. Genetic alterations

Prostate cancer develops when cells in the prostate have DNA alterations, according to doctors. The DNA of a cell includes the instructions that tell it what to do. The alterations cause the cells to divide and expand more quickly than normal cells. When other cells would perish, aberrant cells continue to live. The aberrant cells create a tumour, which can spread and infect neighbouring tissue. Some aberrant cells can break away and move to other places of the body over time (metastasize).

Other risk factors, such as food and chemical exposure, may enhance your odds of being diagnosed with prostate cancer according to certain studies. The impacts, however, are still unknown. Prostate cancer is also uncommon in males under 40.


Since certain types of prostate cancer are non-aggressive, you may have no symptoms. Advanced prostate cancer, on the other hand, frequently creates symptoms. Please contact your doctor if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms. Furthermore, other illnesses, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), might mimic the symptoms of prostate cancer, so you’ll need to consult your doctor to receive a correct diagnosis.

Urinary issues, sexual troubles, and pain and numbness are all symptoms of prostate cancer.

1. Urinary Issues

As the prostate is placed underneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra, urinary issues are prevalent. For its position, a tumour on the prostate that gets large enough might press on the bladder or urethra, causing complications. Urinary difficulties might include the urge to urinate often, a stream that is slower or weaker than usual or urination bleeding.

2. Sexual Issues

Prostate cancer symptoms include erectile dysfunction. This disorder, often known as impotence, causes you to be unable to obtain and maintain an erection. Prostate cancer can also be indicated by blood in the sperm post ejaculation.

3. Pain and Numbness

You may feel numbness or weakness in your legs and feet. If cancer has spread and puts pressure on your spinal cord, you can lose control of your bladder and intestines.


A staging method can help your doctor determine how far cancer has spread. Prostate cancer is staged using the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TMN staging approach. The system, like many other forms of cancer, stages it by:

  1. The tumour’s size or extent
  2. Lymph node involvement
  3. When cancer has spread (metastasized) to other sites or organs
  4. PSA level at the time of diagnosis
  5. Gleason score

The stages of prostate cancer range from 1 to 4. However, stage 4 is the most advanced stage of the illness.


Based on your age, general health, and cancer stage, your doctor will establish a suitable treatment strategy for your cancer. However, Prostate cancer is generally categorised as aggressive and non-aggressive.

For Non-aggressive

If your cancer is non-aggressive, your doctor may propose active surveillance, often known as watchful waiting. This implies you’ll put off treatment while still seeing your doctor regularly to monitor cancer. When your doctor decides to use active surveillance to monitor cancer, they will assess your PSA every six months and do an annual DRE. They may also repeat the biopsy and imaging 1 to 3 years following the first diagnosis. When just observing the condition, the doctor actively checks your symptoms to see if treatment is required.

For Aggressive

More aggressive cancers may well be treated with different methods, such as:

  1. Surgery
  2. Radiation
  3. Cryotherapy
  4. Hormone therapy
  5. Chemotherapy
  6. Stereotactic radiosurgery
  7. Immunotherapy

There’s a strong probability your cancer has migrated to your bones if it’s aggressive and has metastasized. The aforementioned therapies, in addition to others, are used to treat bone metastases.

Prostatectomy is a surgical treatment that involves the removal of all or part of your prostate gland. If your prostate cancer hasn’t moved outside of the prostate, your doctor may recommend a radical prostatectomy, which involves the removal of the whole prostate. Different forms of radical prostatectomies exist. Some are open, which means the incision in your abdominal area will be bigger. Others are laparoscopic, which means your stomach will be divided into multiple tiny incisions.

Early Detection Procedures

A screening test is one of the most effective ways to identify cancer before any symptoms arise. The earlier cancer is discovered, the easier it is to treat.

1. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

PSA is a blood test that determines the number of times prostate proteins are present in your blood. A high level may indicate prostate cancer. Your doctor can use the PSA test to determine whether or not your PSA levels suggest prostate cancer. This is a significant benefit since early diagnosis is critical for cancer treatment. For patients who wish to be checked for prostate cancer, the test is reasonably easy and generally available.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to screening. According to a 2018 research, PSA may enhance your odds of early diagnosis, but it doesn’t reduce your risk of dying from prostate cancer. The test has certain drawbacks, so talk to your doctor about the risks of PSA screening are for you. Other PSA considerations to consider include:

  1. accuracy level
  2. overdiagnosis and overtreatment tendencies
  3. unclear overall benefit

2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)

The doctor inserts their lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum to feel for any lumps, rigidity, or enlarged parts of the prostate during a DRE. This approach can identify prostate cancer since it generally originates at the rear of the gland. It is more effective than a PSA test in men who have an average PSA level and yet have prostate cancer.

3. Prostate Imaging

Prostate cancer can be detected using modern imaging techniques such as MRI or ultrasound. With advanced technology, specialists stated in a 2018 study report that you can spot it early and better define its stage.

4. Prostate Biopsy

If your doctor suspects cancer during an exam or discovers a high PSA result, he or she may prescribe a prostate biopsy. The doctor extracts a tiny sample of your prostate tissue during the biopsy to examine the cells. If the cells are malignant, they may use this information to calculate how rapidly they will spread and develop. They do this by calculating your Gleason score.

The Gleason score is a useful tool for predicting your prognosis, but it isn’t perfect. When forecasting the spread and course of the disease, there are many additional elements to consider, and professionals apply the scoring system in different ways. To be sure, additional factors like your physical exam and tumour imaging, in addition to your Gleason scores, have a role in determining your prognosis.

5. Screening By Age

As males become older, the American Cancer Society has screening guidelines for them. First, they propose that doctors discuss the benefits and drawbacks of prostate cancer screening with men at an annual checkup. Patients of the following ages should have these discussions:

  1. 40 Years

For men who are at extremely high risk, such as those who have more than one first-degree relative — a father, brother, or son — who developed prostate cancer before the age of 65.

2. 45 Years

For high-risk males, such as African-American men and men with a first-degree relative who was diagnosed before the age of 65.

3. 50 Years

For men who are at average risk of prostate cancer and anticipate living at least another ten years.

Consider all available information, including the uncertainties, dangers, and advantages of prostate cancer screening, before deciding to go through with it. After that, you and your doctor may determine which test, if any, is best for you.


Certain prostate cancer risk factors, such as age and family history, are beyond your control. Others, though, you will be able to handle. Quitting smoking, for example, may lower your risk of prostate cancer. Diet and exercise are two more important factors that might affect your prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer risk can be reduced if you:

1. Consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

Consume a wide assortment of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables include many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your health. Prostate cancer prevention by nutrition has yet to be shown satisfactorily. However, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables might boost your general health.

2. Healthy diets are preferred over supplements

Supplements have not been found to reduce the incidence of prostate cancer in trials. Instead, eat meals that are high in vitamins and minerals to keep your vitamin levels under control.

3. Most days of the week, exercise

Exercise is good for your overall health, weight loss, and mental well-being. Try to exercise on most days of the week. Start cautiously and progressively increase your workout time each day if you’re new to fitness.

4. Keep a healthy weight

If your present weight is healthy, make an effort to keep it that way by eating well and exercising most days of the week. Increase your exercise and reduce your daily calorie intake to lose weight. For help building a healthy weight-loss approach, talk to your doctor.

5. Consult your doctor about your elevated prostate cancer risk

If you have a very high risk of prostate cancer, you and your doctor may want to look into medicines or other therapies. Certain studies suggest that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors like finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) and dutasteride (Avodart) can reduce the overall risk of prostate cancer. These medications are intended to prevent prostate enlargement and hair loss. However, some research suggests that men who use these drugs may be at a higher risk of developing a more dangerous type of prostate cancer (high-grade prostate cancer). Consult your doctor if you’re concerned about your chance of acquiring prostate cancer.


If prostate cancer is detected early and hasn’t moved beyond the initial tumour, the prognosis is typically favourable. A favourable outcome requires early identification and treatment. In case you believe you are experiencing signs of prostate cancer, you should see your doctor immediately. However, if the disease develops outside of your prostate, your prognosis will be affected.

Prostate cancer is a concern for all men as they age, although the prognosis is normally quite excellent if identified and treated early. As you become older, make certain to talk openly with your doctor about your risk. If you see any signs that might indicate prostate cancer, see your doctor immediately. Even if you don’t have symptoms, you should consider living a healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk

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