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Understand Ovarian Cysts Symptoms, Treatment, Facts, And Why You Should Be Concerned


A woman’s well-being greatly depends on having strong reproductive and menstrual health. The reproductive system has to be taken care of much like any other organ or system in the body. However, despite your devotion to it, your reproductive system might occasionally be vulnerable to specific ailments. For instance, it’s typical for women to develop ovarian cysts. The majority of the time, they go away on their own, but occasionally, they can worsen into disorders that produce discomfort and several other symptoms. Let’s examine ovarian cysts in more detail.

Ovarian Cysts

Every woman has two ovaries that are situated on either side of the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for developing and producing the eggs, or ova, that are discharged during the monthly menstrual cycle. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pockets that can occasionally develop on top of or inside the ovaries in females. It’s also possible that there is an ovarian cyst in the uterus. During pregnancy, ovarian cysts can also form in expectant moms. These cysts often pose little threat and go away on their own. However, if they burst, they might seriously harm your health. Here is all the information on ovarian cyst causes, symptoms, and treatments you need to stay healthy.

Types Of Ovarian Cysts

The following is a classification of ovarian cysts:

1. Follicle Cysts

The ovary releases an egg during the menstrual cycle, and the egg develops within a sac called a follicle. The follicle opens and releases the egg as the egg matures. The follicle can, on occasion, fail to rupture, which causes it to develop into a cyst. This variety, also known as a functional ovarian cyst, often goes away in three months and has no negative consequences on the body.

2. Corpus Luteum Cysts

The empty sacs condense into a clump of cells known as the corpus luteum when follicles split open and release the egg. These cells are crucial because they create the hormones needed to get ready for the upcoming menstrual cycle. The sac occasionally does not contract after the egg is expelled but instead re-seals. As a result, the sac fills with fluid and develops ovarian cysts in the corpus luteum. Usually, they disappear after a few weeks. They can, however, occasionally reach a width of four inches. The ovary may twist or bleed as a result of the pressure buildup, both of which can be painful.

3. Hemorrhagic Cysts

Hemorrhagic cysts are ovarian cysts that rupture and haemorrhage into the lower abdomen and belly.

4. Endometrioma

This ovarian cyst lesion is a result of the development of endometriosis. It is a painful condition caused by the outer lining of the uterus extending outside, resulting in a chocolate-coloured ovarian cyst. It could need both medical attention and even surgery.

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts are often small and do not cause symptoms. There are some situations, though, where the reality is otherwise:

  1. Symptoms of an ovarian cyst include swelling and bloating.
  2. Depending on where the cyst is, pain may be felt in the lower abdomen. There may be a range in the pain’s intensity and frequency.
  3. Other ovarian cyst symptoms that you can encounter include pain during your period, vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness, and a mild aching in your lower thighs and back.
  4. Some women who have ovarian cysts put on weight and feel discomfort during sexual activity.
  5. Some women have an increased need to urinate.

Causes Of Ovarian Cysts

Hormonal issues, which can cause cysts to grow and disappear on their own, are among the prevalent cause of ovarian cysts. During the first trimester of pregnancy, ovarian cysts can appear in some women. If it persists after the placenta has formed, it might need to be removed. Ovarian cysts can also develop as a result of infections in the fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Ovarian Cyst Risk Factors

Ovarian cysts can occasionally develop into cancer; the risk rises with age. Therefore, post-menopausal women have an increased chance of developing ovarian cancer. Rapid breathing, fainting or light-headedness, heavy bleeding, abrupt episodes of stomach discomfort, fever, and vomiting are a few early signs that may be present. These ovarian cyst symptoms, however, might also be a sign of hemorrhagic cysts or ruptures. Occasionally, women may have polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition marked by the development of several tiny ovarian cysts (PCOS). The development of so many cysts may prevent the ovary from generating eggs, making it more challenging for some women to conceive. Additionally, it may affect blood flow during the cycle and result in irregular menstrual periods.

Ovarian Cyst Complications

Twisting of the ovaries can occur if an ovarian cyst worsens and expands to the point that it shifts the position of the ovaries. Ovarian torsion is another name for this. Typically, ovarian cysts can cause significant pelvic discomfort as one of their symptoms. This could be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A huge ovarian cyst rupturing and resulting in internal bleeding is another problem that can result in excruciating pain and serious harm.

Diagnosis And Treatments For Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts should be examined by a doctor to prevent the development of high-risk health disorders. Depending on the problem, this may be an obstetrician-gynecologic, also known as an OBGYN, a gynecologist, or a specialist such as a fertility expert. To determine the seriousness of the issue, your consulting professional may do a variety of tests. A pregnancy test, a pelvic ultrasound, a laparoscopy to see into the ovaries, and a CA 125 blood test to search for ovarian cancer symptoms are some of these.

According to estimates, 10 out of every 100 women have benign ovarian cysts, which have no negative repercussions. However, it is advised to obtain a medical diagnosis as soon as possible and has access to effective ovarian cyst therapy if ovarian cyst symptoms begin to appear as pain, discomfort, fever, and other side effects. A healthy, active life may be yours with the right measures. Visit Kothari Medical Centre or schedule an appointment with us right now if you’re looking for the best diagnosis and treatment for the symptoms of an ovarian cyst.

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